2Days Denarius

Giving Gratitude to God on Thanksgiving 2022

Rev. Ron Thomas Season 3 Episode 12

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Even with the challenges many have faced, along with our nation, we still have much to be thankful for. This new podcast by 2Days Denarius will share three prayers that invidviduals and/or families may use prior to Holiday meals. The first prayer is of historical significance as it comes from the Thanksgiving proclamation by President John F. Kennedy that was given a few weeks before his assassination on November 22, 1963. Mary Fairchild's Thanksgiving prayer is the second, then followed by the third, as provided by Ron Thomas. Take time to listen, focus, and reflect as you participate in the time of prayer - we always have much to be thankful for! This episode briefly presents some history behind Thanksgiving with some discussion of proclamations by George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. As the creator of this podcast ministry, Rev. Ron Thomas is thankful for all listeners, subscribers, and friends who support 2Days Denarius. You have made this a great year, and I will create a podcast about the growth of 2Days Denarius in December. In the meantime, take time to pray! And have a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday!

2Days Denarius may be reached by email at 2daysdenarius@gmail.com. The ministry always looks forward to hearing from our listeners! 

2Days Denarius is a Bible believing teaching ministry devoted to the inerrancy, infallibility, and authority of Scripture as our only rule of faith and practice. It also holds to the doctrinal tenets of the London Baptist confession of 1689. This ministry may be reached at 2daysdenarius@gmail.com